about 200 gr combed cotton yarn
Knitting needle nr. 4, crochet hook nr. 3
How to;
Knit 80 stitches with your knitting needle nr. 4
For 26 cm. knit 9 stitches plain and 1 stitch purl
Knit 2 rows garter stitches, 1 row stitch extension 2 rows garter stitch. (stitch extension; on the front side of the knitting, knit 1 stitch plain, wind 2 times, knit 1 stitch plain… till the end of row. On the back side knit 1 stitch purl, leave the stitches you had wound, knit 1 stitch purl…till the end of row)
On the right side, knit 50 stitches plain, keep the 30 stitches on the left knitting needle waiting.
On the left and right of 20th stitch, for 5 rows, increase 2 stitches per row. At the same time, at the beginning and end of every row, decrease 1 stitch.
After increasing at 5 rows 21st stitch, decreasing at the sides, knit plain until you have 3 stitches left and cast off.
Take 20 stitches from the right triangle we had knitted by the side of stitches waiting on the left knitting needle. Knit like the other side.
Stitch the body.
Crochet lace for collar and hemline.
Stitch the cords by crocheting 80 chains.
Get a 150 cm ribbon through long stitches under chest part.