With the video above, I am telling you how to make a hexipuff with three needles.
At the last part of the video I mentioned the stitch numbers for each line, you can watch it there.
Besides, I am writing below the stitch numbers for one knitting needle:
1.Line: 12 stitches
2.Line: 12 stitches
3.Line: 14 stitches
4.Line: 14 stitches
5.Line: 16 stitches
6.Line: 16 stitches
7.Line: 18 stitches
8.Line: 18 stitches
9.Line: 20 stitches
10.Line: 20 stitches
11.Line: 22 stitches
12.Line: 22 stitches
13.Line: 22 stitches
14.Line: 20 stitches
15.Line: 20 stitches
16.Line: 18 stitches
17.Line: 18 stitches
18.Line: 16 stitches
19.Line: 16 stitches
20.Line: 14 stitches
21.Line: 14 stitches
22.Line: 12 stitches
23.Line: 12 stitches (we knit together with two needles and close)
We begin with 12 stitches for both needles and increasing 2 stitches in every 2 lines until we have 22 stitches on each knitting needle.
After we have 22 on one needle, meaning 44 on our 2 knitting needles, we cast on 2 more lines without increasing and then we begin decreasing stitches.
We decrease 2 stitches in every 2 lines (1 right, 1 left) (symmetrical to our increasing) until we have 12 stitches.
When we come to the last line, we fill with fibre, knit the stitches of both knitting needles and close.