You can find knitted hats in many stores. For any age, any gender, any pleasure you can find one. Plain ones, decorated ones, colorful ones… And the prices are from very cheap to very expensive, for any budget.

But still you may not find the one you like. You can say you have the inspiration and ability to make a much better one. You can buy the yarns the color, the kind you like and make a unique beauty for yourself.

I knitted the hat below. It might be an alternative for you. Or it might be a sample to give you an opinion…


How to:

I started from the top with 10 loops. Plain knitting, I increased 1 from each loop. After 4 rows, I got totally 80 loops. I knitted until I got a hand span. I seperated the loops (8 loops nape + 12 loops ear + 30 loops front + 12 loops ear + 8 loops nape)


I knitted the 8 loops I seperated 2 rows and cast off. I decreased 1 loop from both sides at every beginning of a row until I had 4 loops at 12 loops I seperated for ear. I knitted the other side the same way from the beginning, finished. Taking 1 loop from from each loop I got 102 loops. I knitted 3 rows garter stitch and cast off at once. Getting 4 loops from ears, I knitted cord, I added pompoms to the edges and stitched. From the top, (starting point) through each loop, I got a yarn and shirred. I made the back side stitch. I made a bigger pompom for the top and stitched.

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