1) Knit 120 stitches using a knitting needle size 4 and a green yarn for babies.
2) Knit garter stitch for 2 rows.
3) Knit plain for 6 rows with pink yarn. At the first row of the pink yarn, while knitting 55 plain stitches and 1 purl stitch, decrease 1 stitch. When knitting 6 plain stitches, 1 purl stitch, decrease 1 stitch. Knit 55 plain stitches. At every row, decrease 1 stitch from both right and left of 6 stitches. (We prepared for cable-knitting)
4) Knit plain 1 row with cream color. After knitting 5 stitches, decrease 1 stitches reshuffling. At the end of the row, 5 stitches before the end decrease 1 stitches by reshuffling.
5) When you have the total of 48 stitches, divide the stitches into two as 24+24.
6) Continue knitting the same way.
7) When you have 16+16 stitches left keep the stitches waiting aside.
8) Knit the back part the same way as front. ( Except dividing into two part.) When you have 32 stitches left, you must put together with the stitches of front part and take to the same knitting needle.
9) Knitting 20 cm, make the hood and finish.
Crochet the sides to piece together. Tie the fringes. With green yarn, knit 30 stitches and make a square shaped pocket. Needle the pocket to poncho. Use your imagination and knit the baby. Place the baby in the pocket.