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    Floral Block Design

    This is a very interesting pattern and unique. You can learn how to do puff stitch through this pattern. If you wish to make a blanket in a go keep on increasing the pattern to the length you require or make blocks as many as you require for your project. This pattern can be used […] More

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    Floral Block Pattern


    This is a classic pattern which was used for pot holders but I turned into a block to make it easier for crocheting Blankets, bed cover, table runner, pot Holder and more. This is an easy pattern and is based on basic stitches. Here is the video: More

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    Granny Square Cushion Cover

    This is a very easy pattern and this pattern cn be used for making Blankets, Bed Throw, Table Mats ,Table Cover, Rugs And More. Ths can be a very good gifting option too. The techniques that I have applied for this pattern are chains, single crochet and double crochet. More

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    Crochet Spiral Square Pattern

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    This is a very interesting pattern for Blankets Bed Throw Cushion Cover Table Mats And More. It is really fun to make this pattern and I am sure you are going to enjoy making this project. This pattern is inspired by a feather of peacock. We are going to use the yarns found in the […] More

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    Northern Diamond Square Pattern

    This is a very interesting pattern and you will enjoy making this for sure. The  pattern if joined together can be used for blankets, bed covers, tables, covers, table mats,  cushion covers. You will like the look of the pattern for sure 🙂 Here is the video you can follow the pattern: More